Toronto 2033

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Toronto 2033 is a collection of ten short fiction stories from a wide range of local sci-fi authors. Led by editor Jim Munroe, our authors speculate how the city and its residents will deal with numerous challenges: heat waves and rising lake water, gated neighbourhoods and suspicious neighbours, and memories of a global pandemic that tinge everyday interactions. Digital artist Mathew Borrett brings to life each story with ten remarkable illustrations of a future Toronto.

  • Authors: Zainab Amadahy,  Madeline Ashby, Al Donato, Kristyn Dunnion, Elyse Friedman, Paul Hong, Elan Mastai, Mari Ramsawakh, Karl Schroeder, Peter Watts     
  • Editor: Jim Munroe                                                                                                 
  • Illustrator:  Mathew Borrett                                                                           
  • Paperback: 108 pages
  • Dimensions: 8 x 8 inches 
  • Published: 2018 by Spacing Media